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Date posted: 11th January 2024

11th January 2024

Meet the 2024 Top Inspiring Workplaces Judges: Scott McInnes

Meet the 2024 Top Inspiring Workplaces Judges: Scott McInnes

IW: We’re delighted to be joined by one of our judges for the Top Inspiring Workplaces 2024: Scott McInnes. Firstly, What does an Inspiring Workplace mean to you?

Somewhere that people can be themselves, have the tools and equipment to do really purposeful work and where they’re empowered by leaders to make things happen.

IW: You’re a judge for the Top Inspiring Workplaces 2024. What do you hope to see in the entries?

I’d love to see some really amazing stories of organizations that have benefited as a result of putting their people front and center.  I’d like to see organizations that have tried new ways of doing things to create more inspiring organisations in which their people are making a real difference. And I’d like to see if anybody has cracked the Blended Working egg that’s still an issue for many organizations post COVID

IW: Following on from that, What are three areas of focus for organizations looking to improve the people experience?

  • Being very clear about alignment between each employee’s role and the overall organizational strategy so people can clearly see the difference they’re making
  • Having a clear cultural vision for the organization and values leadership processes and systems that support and drive the organization towards that culture
  • Thinking very carefully about ways of working. Organizations need to get better at helping their people to understand that we all need to think differently now about work. The discussion on ‘where’ we do work is already well underway, but the whole idea of what work we do and where and when we do it still needs a lot of work.

IW: Leadership plays a huge role in everything we’ve just spoken about. What do you think is the most important quality in a leader?

Empathy – being able to walk in the shoes of their team members, to understand situations and issues from a different perspective.

IW: What’s your advice on how best to engage remote teams?

Ask them how they want to be engaged – no two teams are the same (and even that changes week to week).  I think we need to maintain as much human connection as we can – not just in getting people together online or face to face but in terms of how we use language and stories in the written word.

IW: We are a big believer that fostering psychological safety is an organisational imperative. Do you agree and if so, why?

Yep I agree. Without psychological safety there’s no risk taking. With no risk taking there’s no innovation, no mistakes, no learning and, therefore limited, if any, progress.  And that risk taking can be anything from trying a new way of doing things to speaking an uncomfortable truth to a peer or a more senior colleague.  Lots of organizations talk the talk when it comes to psychological safety but I’m not sure that in most cases it’s actually believed by the people that work there.

IW: 4-Day week – Yes or No?

Put simply I don’t know. I’m really torn. I really like the idea but it might not be for everybody. I think organizations have to give employees the choice and then perhaps pilot to understand if it works or not. Do we have to dictate a four day week for all staff in an organization or can it be left up to individuals and teams to make that decision themselves?

A Fun ones to end! Favourite film, album, best song to get you motivated at work, and the best place you’ve ever visited:

  1. Favourite film: Shawshank Redemption
  2. Favourite Album: Graceland – Paul Simon
  3. Best song to get you motivated at work: Anything by Green Day but specifically Basket Case or American Idiot
  4. Best place you have ever visited: Nepal – trekking up to 17,000ft in the Himalaya.  Or Northern Sulawesi in Indonesia – the scuba diving was mind blowing!