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Date posted: 15th September 2019

15th September 2019

The Future of Work: Raphael Crawford Marks – Bonusly

The Future of Work: Raphael Crawford Marks – Bonusly

This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘The Future of Work: Insights from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.

Raphael Crawford Marks

C0-Founder & CEO


Competing for talent is the biggest challenge companies will face in the coming years. As rote and low-skilled work is automated and outsourced, companies are competing for high-skilled, creative professionals who can solve the problems of the 21st century. Companies that do the best at attracting, developing, and retaining the best people will succeed. Therefore, the employee experience should be a top strategic priority for every organization.

The ideal employee experience instils a sense of purpose, progress, and belonging. Purpose is the feeling that your work matters. Progress is the feeling that you are learning and growing. Belonging is the feeling that you are an important and trusted member of the team. Companies must create an environment that fosters these three things throughout the entire employee lifecycle.

It’s not enough to provide some shallow perks like free food or a games room and expect great work in return. Organizations will need to systematically solicit feedback from and include employees in the design of the employee experience. Programs that centre and empower employees are most likely to maximize employee engagement and productivity. Examples of this include flexible work schedules, modern learning and development, and peer-to-peer recognition.

Deadline for the UK & European Awards is October 9, 2019 – Enter here.

This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘The Future of Work: Insights from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.