Enter 2024 Inspiring Leaders Awards. For people that positively impact their organisation
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World’s #1
Non-Survey Based Awards
PeopleFirst Organizations

2024 Winners Announced

Open for entries in 2025 now

For the first time in our history, we are opening for next year immediately. We want to make it easier than ever to enter, by being open all year round. 2025 will be an extra special year to win too, as we will be celebrating our 10th edition of the awards.

The Inspiring Workplaces Awards recognize and celebrate organizations that have created exceptional PeopleFirst workplaces. For over a decade, the awards have honored those that have created a positive and inspiring work culture for their people – where they feel like they belong, resulting in increased engagement, productivity, and overall success.

The awards are open to organizations of all sizes and industries. Your entry is reviewed by an independent expert judging panel. Their knowledge and experience and our key criteria is used to determine the Top Inspiring Workplaces.

Being named as a Top Inspiring Workplace in Asia is a significant achievement for any organization. It not only acknowledges the company’s commitment to creating a positive and inspiring culture people believe in, but it also helps attract and retain top talent, boost morale, and enhance your organization’s reputation.

Inspiring Workplaces
from around the world


View all past winners

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Who we are

Why Enter?

The long list of benefits of entering the Awards, and being named a Top Inspiring Workplace, include:

  • Win worldwide acclaim and demonstrate you put your people first

    Internally and to the outside world

  • Retain and attract the best people

    Strengthen your employer brand by being recognised as a Top Inspiring Workplace

  • Recognizing your team’s hard work

    They work all year round to help enhance your people experience

  • Customers buy from Inspiring Workplaces

    Gain trust and a competitive advantage in the modern marketplace where values matter

  • Promoting your achievements 

    To our global community of organisations and social media following with a reach of 100,000+. As well as, to new and old media all over the world

  • Powerful marketing materials

    From logos, certificates, press releases and social posts, we provide you with a host of materials to promote your success far and wide. There is also the option to have your own iconic trophy too.

  • Your achievement recognised forever

    A new dedicated profile page for your organisation to share far and wide. Which can be added to over the years…

  • Opportunity to share your story & inspire 
    We will provide you opportunities via our global community, events, podcast and case studies to share your story far and wide

Start the journey here

The first step to being recognised as an Inspiring Workplace is to download our comprehensive entry pack that details all key dates, fees, FAQ, entry questions, word limits and much more.

Download the entry pack

The entry form explained

There is ONE entry form. It has SIX key facets we believe create an Inspiring Workplace. There are then two extra questions on results and what’s next.

We know that every single organization that enters will be strong in some areas and weaker in others. Don’t let that stop you from entering, as judges take this into consideration.

This is all covered in the entry pack.

  • Purpose & Culture

  • Leadership

  • Wellbeing

  • Inclusion

  • Employee Voice

  • Experience

  • Outcomes

  • What's next?

Four ways to win

There are multiple ways to be recognised in the Inspiring Workplaces Awards

  • Finalist (not a winner yet) – once the judges have reviewed all entries we publish a shortlist of finalists. Finalists are announced and receive marketing badges and logos to promote far and wide. This is a big achievement but you’re not officially a winner at this stage
  • Overall Inspiring Workplace – From the shortlist of finalists, we then countdown the official list at a special dedicated awards events. Trophies, logos, certificates are all obtained at this stage
  • Business size category – We also announce the Top organisations in each category, further logos and certificates are awarded. Due to the volume of submissions, it is possible to be recognised in the Top in your category and still not make the overall List. See more below
  • Special recognition (optional) – For those that choose to enter Special Recognition, we provide logos and certificates to those that the judges deem worthy of recognition. Again, you could win in this category and not make the Top 10 list. See more below

The categories

Choosing your category could not be easier.

When entering just select based upon the size of your organization.

  • Small

  • Medium

  • Large

  • Enterprise

  • Government

  • Non-Profit

Special recognition

IW understands that each organisation is at different stages of a journey and will be stronger in some areas than others.

These 6 elements of the entry form are able to be specifically judged for special recognition should the organisation wish.

All you need to do is tick a box when submitting the entry.

It is $75 per section you submit.

Continue the journey & enter here

To be one step closer to being named a Top Inspiring Workplace, you will need to submit your entry on our online platform.

It could not be simpler.

You can even draft on the platform and save your entry as you go.

Enter Now

What happens once you have entered?

  • Entries to judges

    They will then review and send us their scores

  • Finalists announced

    You are one step closer to being named a winner


    Winners announced

    At our exclusive event all will be revealed. 

Want to Partner with us?

There are different ways to partner with us. From annual sponsorships, speaking slots, awards specific opportunities and much more.

Contact us