09th January 2024
Meet the 2024 Top Inspiring Workplaces Judges: Joanna Parsons

IW: We’re delighted to be joined by one of our judges for the Top Inspiring Workplaces 2024: Joanna Parsons. Firstly, What does an Inspiring Workplace mean to you?
It means rewarding, challenging work with empathetic, inspiring leaders that people really want to follow. It’s a workplace where curiosity is valued and where people can constantly grow and learn.
IW: You’re a judge for the Top Inspiring Workplaces 2024. What do you hope to see in the entries?
I’d love to see some data-driven creativity and some innovation that’s driving real value for the business by solving problems.
IW: Following on from that, What are three areas of focus for organizations looking to improve the people experience?
Listen often and well. Take action on the insights from listening and communicate about it. Invest in internal communication so it can act as a critical business function.
IW: Leadership plays a huge role in everything we’ve just spoken about. What do you think is the most important quality in a leader?
Curiosity and a growth mindset; being able to admit mistakes, being open to advice from others and being able to change their mind.
IW: What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
Many years ago I took a job where I had major imposter syndrome. I felt out of my depth and didn’t feel confident in the role. A senior leader on the brink of retirement gave me a piece of advice that has always stuck with me: “To really understand how this place works, you must make a nuisance of yourself. Get invited to meetings, have coffee with people, ask lots of questions. Make a nuisance of yourself and don’t apologise for it.”
IW:What’s your advice on how best to engage remote teams?
It’s comms 101: understand your audience. Whether they’re remote, hybrid or in the office you’ll only know how best to engage them by asking and listening deeply. Understand your audience and the rest is pretty simple.
IW: 4-Day week – Yes or No?
Yes, of course. The promise of technology was to free us up for more leisure time, but somehow we are working harder and longer than ever. Let’s reclaim a day for leisure and spend less of our lives working.
IW: To say we’ve seen a lot of change in the past three years would be an understatement. We want you to get your crystal ball out and predict what will be the top priorities for people choosing an employer over the next 5 years?
Choice about where to get the work done. A greater expectation that benefits will be personalised. A demand for learning and training opportunities as part of the job.
A Fun ones to end! Favourite film, album and best place you’ve ever visited:
- Favourite film: The Labyrinth with David Bowie
- Favourite Album: No Code by Pearl Jam or Rumours by Fleetwood Mac (I’m old)
- Best place you have ever visited: I have a vivid memory of travelling by road in Uganda and seeing baboons the size of toddlers sitting by the side of the road. The driver stopped and I locked eyes with a baboon and time stood still. They were huge and I quickly realised my window was wide open, I slowly slowly slowly wound the window up as this gorgeous and terrifying creature stared right through me. Afterwards we stopped at a roadside restaurant and I saw an item on the menu called “Rolex” – I asked the waiter what it was and he told me it was a flat omellette rolled up like a pancake. Ahhhh “Rolex” = “Rolled Eggs”, haha! Uganda is gorgeous, full of very friendly people and I’d love to go back for another visit.