The 2025 Inspiring Workplaces Awards: Finalists announced: March 20
Date posted: 24th November 2021

24th November 2021

The Great Employee Engagement Divide – Engaging Frontline Workers – Karin Volo

The Great Employee Engagement Divide – Engaging Frontline Workers – Karin Volo

This snippet is part of our Ebook The great Employee Engagement Divide – Engaging Frontline Workers.  Advice and suggestions from our Top 101 influencers. You can download the full eBook with all the advice here.

Karin Volo, CEO & Director, Evoloshen

3 Tips to Manage The Great Employee Engagement Divide for Individuals & Companies

For Individuals:

  1. Know your passions, strengths, values, and what you love to do…then see how well your job matches. Figure out what you need to do to so that you align these traits with your work.
  2. Be responsible for your own engagement and what motivates you to be the best version of yourself. Visualize your dream job and set the intention to create that for yourself.
  3. Continually grow and develop yourself both personally and professionally. We are constantly evolving and the deeper you know yourself, the less you’ll tolerate anything that doesn’t bring you joy.

For Companies:

  1. Be proactive on culture work, commit to creating a workplace that your employees love. Invest in your employees personal and professional growth so that they want to stay long term.
  2. Build high levels of trust between your employees, teams, and leaders. Have leaders who genuinely have the courage to care for their teams. Your customers will also trust your brand even more!
  3. Have a clearly defined purpose that you communicate clearly and often. This will attract and retain great talent. Even your customers will want to be a part of your journey.