11th November 2021
The Great Employee Engagement Divide – Engaging Frontline Workers – Jody Ordioni

This snippet is part of our Ebook The great Employee Engagement Divide – Engaging Frontline Workers. Advice and suggestions from our Top 101 influencers. You can download the full eBook with all the advice here.
Jody Ordioni, Chief Brand Officer, Founder, Brandemix, Achievee
Increasing engagement among front-line workers.
A lot has been recently written about the rising employee engagement of remote/office-based workers vs the dramatic decrease among frontline workers. And though comparisons and conclusions may be tempting to create, there are many variables at play between the two segments. Rather than looking to close the gap, organizations would be best served by employing one simple and easy technique that has been proven to improve the sense of well-being among both groups.
Check-in with them personally, frequently and sincerely.
- How they’re doing.
- If there is anything that they need.
- If there’s anything that’s standing in the way of them feeling their best
- If there’s anything that you can do for them
Frequent check-ins show that you care.
Frequent check-ins can help prioritize tasks, reduce burnout and foster connections.
Frequent check-ins serve as a reminder that everyone is connected to an organization, a culture and a shared purpose. They’re easy, are unreliant on a technology stack, and they’re free. And most importantly, simple check-ins remind us all that we are valued, cared for and on someone else’s buddy list.