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Date posted: 11th September 2019

11th September 2019

The Future of Work: Helen Bissett – H&H Agency

The Future of Work: Helen Bissett – H&H Agency

This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘The Future of Work: Insights from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.

Helen Bissett

Founder & Managing Director

H&H Agency

People are amazing. Our expansive capability for ingenuity, astuteness and problem solving are the building blocks of organisational achievement. But, according to positive psychologists, what makes us truly happy and healthy at work is not how many problems we solve. It’s how much compassion, gratitude, kindness and generosity we experience.

However, the measure of success in organisations is not determined by levels of compassion or generosity. It’s measured by numbers (sales, profit, market share etc.). And herein lies the problem. We might know how healthy our business model is, but what about the health of our people? I’ve never heard anyone ask: What will be the impact on peoples’ health of increasing the sales targets by another 5%?

A recent HSE report indicates 15.4 million working days were lost in 2018 due to work-related stress – 55% linked to workload. And over half the respondents in our own research into workplace experiences are regularly experiencing burnout emotions such as depression and anxiety.

Employee wellbeing awareness is on the rise, which is truly encouraging. But now this particular Pandora’s box has been opened, I can’t see it closing any time soon. It means too much. It’s personal. A voice has been given to something that has long been conveniently ignored. Our workplaces are making people ill.

Facing up to this is tough enough, but it’s nothing compared to the challenge that lies ahead. Once people feel safe to admit the psychological and physical impact their jobs are having, then what?

Are we ready to make significant structural and organisational changes to improve the working experience? Are we equipped to deal with substantial numbers of employees who may require support? Are we brave enough to face up the reality of this?

For me, this is going to be one of the biggest issues facing organisations over the coming years. But it may well prove to be the impetus needed to start pulling down the walls of century-old ways of working that are no longer fit for purpose. And more importantly, significantly improve the life and health of millions of employees.

Deadline for the UK & European Awards is October 9, 2019 – Enter here.

This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘The Future of Work: Insights from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.