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Date posted: 09th September 2019

09th September 2019

The Future of Work: Bruce Bolger – Enterprise Engagement Alliance

The Future of Work: Bruce Bolger – Enterprise Engagement Alliance

This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘The Future of Work: Insights from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.

Bruce Bolger


Enterprise Engagement Alliance

A Warning for the Employee Engagement World…

The Employee Engagement Alliance has probably come closest to creating a global community of people passionate about employee engagement. As someone who has been at the quest on both sides of the pond since 1989, and who has watched and benefited from the success of the Loyalty, Quality, CRM, the Internet, Content Marketing fields, I can say the Employee Engagement movement is precarious despite 10 years of talk. Why? I see the same nomenclature and solution battles that plagued other fields in their early years when every expert espoused the next best solution. There are no bright shiny objects: every new process or technology requires long-term leadership and discipline, and not the latest fad or buzzwords. Nomenclature battles show that organizations have failed to find a framework against which to make intelligent decisions; people hope by changing words they will get a different result. This field will achieve its potential when it:

  • Provides a bottom-line benefit to the CEO and investors as well as enhanced experiences for customers, employees, vendors, communities.
  • Becomes part of a proactive sincere, strategic, and systematic effort led by the CEO rather than an ad hoc, reactive bottom-up approach that creates siloes and misalignment.
  • Connect the dots between the brand, all people, and processes so that promises get kept.
  • Rallies around the need to convince CEOs that addressing this issue is critical to success and working collaboratively to build a serious discipline rather than a collection of self-interested cliques.

Deadline for the UK & European Awards is October 9, 2019 – Enter here.

This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘The Future of Work: Insights from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.