The 2025 Inspiring Workplaces Awards: Finalists announced: March 20
Date posted: 03rd May 2020

03rd May 2020

Discussing Innovation

Discussing Innovation


In this episode, we speak with Jean O’Donnell from Allied Irish Banks. This Podcast took place in late March during the onset of the Corona Virus.

AIB was shortlisted in the Innovation category for the 2019 UK & European Employee Engagement Awards. What this interview shows is how being forward-thinking can help when crises arrive. How rapidly we have evolved over the past 6 weeks to adapt to the situation we all face.

Areas we cover in this interview:
– The shortlisted entry focused around Photovoice – bringing personality and humanity to a remote workforce during the transition
– How using out of the box thinking such as a sociologist from a local university can bring innovation
– How a focused good idea can rapidly impact the entire business in a positive way

This episode is powered by WagglWaggl is an agile and comprehensive Employee Voice platform that measures, and truly improves engagement.

We hope you enjoy it.