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Date posted: 21st January 2021

21st January 2021

Roundel 2021: EX trends, priorities and practices in the year everything changed

Roundel 2021: EX trends, priorities and practices in the year everything changed

2020 vs employee experience

Last year saw wave upon wave upon wave of seismic change. Our profession rose to the challenge, as we grappled with some of the biggest challenges any of us have ever faced.

When we were analysing this year’s results we were intrigued to see what impact remote working had on productivity, collaboration, innovation, empowerment, engagement levels and organisational culture? Which initiatives had the most positive impact on employee experiences? What learnings could be taken forward? And what we collectively think will stick as hybrid models of work start to emerge in a post pandemic future.

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Thank you so much to the team at Home who created it, with just a little support from us. Home spoke to 634 professionals from employee experience, HR, internal communications and employee engagement teams in organisations big and small. We’re privileged to have shared their experiences. You can download all that insight for free right now.

Headline findings:

  • 80% respondents agree employee mental health has been negatively impacted by the events of 2020
  • But only 61% of organisations are doing more to support employee mental health
  • 91% of organisations are offering more flexibility in how, when and where work gets done
  • 8/10 organisations say increased flexibility hasn’t hurt their business
  • For the majority of organisations, remote working was seen to have either no impact or a positive impact on productivity, collaboration, innovation, empowerment, engagement and culture.Download the report for even more insight, stats that will help win you management buy-in and a fuller breakdown
Roundel 2021: EX trends, priorities and practices in the year everything changed

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