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Date posted: 20th October 2021

20th October 2021

On Demand Video: Stop Wasting your Money on Wellbeing

On Demand Video: Stop Wasting your Money on Wellbeing

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Stop Wasting your Money on Wellbeing

Employee wellness and wellbeing is fundamental for maintaining an inspiring workplace and positive impact of employee happiness and high levels of wellbeing on the workplace is well established by now. But what does supporting the wellbeing of your employees actually look like, and how do you know you’re not wasting your money on things your employees don’t actually want or need?

Laura spoke about:

  • Why Wellbeing is important
  • The trends that Barnett Waddingham are seeing
  • Why organisations are wasting money on wellbeing
  • How to identify if you fall in to this bracket
  • How to prove and then improve
  • And more….

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On Demand Video: Stop Wasting your Money on Wellbeing

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