07th October 2022
Meet Inspirathon speaker – Shea Heaver

Meet the Inspirathon 2022 speaker, Shea Heaver. Sign up free for the Inspirathon
Shea Heaver was born in England, grew up, went to school, and started his career in Northern Ireland before moving to South Florida in the late 1990s. He has managed numerous large IT projects around the globe and has always championed that it is highly valued, motivated, and engaged people working collaboratively as a team that makes any project a success. In recent years he has also founded OptimaWork, which provides the Better Place to Work culture and engagement program to the North American market. He is also the CIO of Inspire: Miami and South Florida
Why do you do what you do?
There will always be a bit of a tech-geek in me, but these days it’s more about making people happy by making them feel valued…whether they are co-workers, customers, business partners, vendors, and anyone I interact with in a business capacity.
Describe your talk in 100 words
High Self-Esteem occurs when we think well of ourselves and usually comes about when (a) we Feel Valued by others for what we do (b) we Feel we bring Value to others by what we do. But is it something an organization, department, or team should care about? The answer is a resounding YES, and in this talk we will look at why it’s important and how we can change the business culture to help employees Feel Valued and hence raise their Self-Esteem
What problems will your talk solve for our audience and why is it needed?
When employees feel valued their self-esteem grows exponentially which leads to increased happiness, health and productivity. This is obviously good for business, but it is also important for personal wellness, relationships and society in general.
What valuable insights, strategies, tools or techniques will our audience walk away with?
We will look at some statistics on why Feeling Valued is important, we’ll take a step back to the 18th century to see how a famous philosopher and politician championed the idea of helping others get better, and some ideas on how you can make people Feel Valued.
What do you think will be the major differentiator of the workplace of the future, as opposed to the way we work today?
The businesses (and leadership within) that can individualize employee needs rather than generalize will be the most successful in my opinion. That may be flexibility on where and when they actually work, programs that support their individual purposes, causes and wellness, different communication, feedback and recognition mechanisms, etc… When organizations can meet the business needs without neglecting the employees’ individual needs (i.e. make them Feel Valued), they will be the Inspiring Workplaces of the future.
P.S. I also hope the US culture will continue the shift from predominantly Live to Work and finally become more Work to Live