12th November 2020
Inspiring your people in a changing world – Keep up momentum

One of the biggest challenges companies are facing as the world changes around them is a simple and yet critical one . . . how to keep up the momentum. It’s like running a marathon, for just as the adrenaline that keeps us going at the start of the race starts to wear off, we need to reach down deep for motivation and inspiration to help us finish the race. Without this, we waver, stumble, fall or give up completely!
One area where it’s important to keep up the momentum are social connections, those touchpoints we’ve spent so much time creating to help our employees connect and support one another. Whether it’s virtual quizzes, exercise classes, or even virtual pie-eating competitions or murder mystery parties, companies have pulled out the punches to find creative and effective ways to connect their workforces.
But as the ‘race’ continues and we start losing momentum, here are five tips to help motivate and inspire you to continue and to carry on:
- Start with why – design your programmes around an objective, a cause, basing it on what your people and business need.
- Have something for everyone – remember that you have a diverse workforce, and for this reason, make sure you have something to meet all of their needs.
- Don’t do it alone – bring in the wonderful and collective talents of your workforce to not only come up with ideas, but to help run the various programs.
- Trial and error – as the expression goes, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”, learning and moving on from what works and doesn’t work.
- Get managers involved – use the help and support of your managers, keeping in mind that the more they get involved with the connection activities, role modeling it to others, the better chance you have of your workforce engaging with them.
This blog is a part of the IW Official Guide: World Mental Health Day Supporting the workplace during the pandemic & beyond. Download the full guide here.