The 2025 Inspiring Workplaces Awards: Finalists announced: March 20
Date posted: 13th December 2022

13th December 2022

Insights from Top 50 NA Inspiring Workplaces – Intelligent Medical Objects

Insights from Top 50 NA Inspiring Workplaces – Intelligent Medical Objects

Overall ranking: #2
Name: Intelligent Medical Objects
Organisation size: Medium
Strongest award element: Experience

With holistic workplace initiatives, communication objectives and inspiring leadership, Intelligent Medical Objects stand tall among their competitors.

A small insight into this Inspiring Workplace…
‘Sometimes the best mode of communication is simply word of mouth. As our management team has the closest line of site on that it is employees need to know more about, we rely on our Management Leadership Team (MLT) to be the primary mouthpiece for a lot of what needs to be disseminated. Our MLT reports directly to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) so close collaboration between those groups is essential to accurate and complete communications – both on the push and pull.

We recognize that so much of one’s experience with us comes from the most immediate team around us; our culture is very much focused on relying on all of our people managers to create opportunities for their teams to commune, communicate, and collaborate in ways that make the most sense for them.

As a means for listening to our people, we created an environment where people not only had the opportunity, but also the
expectation, to share their feedback, perspective, and insights with the people around them – including our CEO, Ann Barnes. In fact, Ann holds “Fireside Chats” with intimate groups of 5-8 employees (at all levels) to discuss whatever is on their minds. Since beginning this exercise in April of 2020, Ann has conducted 23 Fireside Chats and has connected face to face with 163 employees in the process.

This has resulted in not only a more authentic bond between Ann and the employees, but a wealth of knowledge that helps inform – in real and meaningful ways – the direction we take on certain workplace initiatives.’

About The Inspiring Workplaces Awards

The extract above is taken from the eBook: Insights from Top 50 Inspiring Workplaces – NA 2022. You can download the full eBook with all the snippets here.

The ebook lists in order the Top 50 across NA for 2022. It also details a small insight into their organization and highlights where they scored strongest across the six key award elements that were addressed in the submission.

Congratulations again to these organisations. If you want to prove where you are on your journey to becoming a PeopleFirst organisation, enter the 2023 Inspiring Workplaces Awards, here.