The 2025 Inspiring Workplaces Awards: Finalists announced: March 20
Date posted: 01st July 2020

01st July 2020

How were your employees treated during the crisis?

How were your employees treated during the crisis?

In the post-pandemic world, the push for attracting top talent will continue in all orgnaizations. One of the key questions asked by potential candidates will be how your organization treated their employees during the pandemic.

Christopher Abbass article highlights this and provides a few tips on how to make your organization more appealing during recovery.

From the Article:

Any company can have a great culture when things go well, but what about when things go south? We have arrived at that exact point in time where all that company culture you’ve built — all those summer half-day Fridays — won’t be as influential or define your brand values as much as how you treated your employees during COVID-19.

One of the questions top talent will ask when they return to work is how companies treated their employees during the crisis. We’ve all heard how some businesses have managed this crisis poorly, whether they laid off employees through a two-minute Zoom video or asked them to leave abruptly without pay. That is a legacy that will stick with them for a long time. 

In a post-pandemic world, companies that get the best talent through the door will be the ones that showed the most compassionate, people-first approach during the shift to remote working, layoffs or furloughs.

You can watch the recording in full online: The New Employer Brand: How You Treated Employees During A Crisis

Make sure to explore Inspiring Workplace’s other content and insights about Covid-19 & employer brand.