29th September 2022
How to Boost Inclusivity in the Workplace

Last week saw the 10th anniversary of National Inclusion Week, a week-long celebration of workplace inclusivity.
And over the past ten years, many organizations have stepped up their efforts in creating equitable, psychologically safe, and inclusive workplace cultures.
Yet despite their efforts, a recent study by Deloitte has found that 42% of LGBT+ employees still experience ‘non-inclusive’ behaviours.
Furthermore, the ‘LGBT+ Inclusion @ Work 2022: A Global Outlook’ report reveals that 82% of those experiencing non-inclusive behaviours believe they do so more than their non-LGBT+ colleagues.
These concerning statistics suggest that although progress is being made, there is still a long way to go before parity is achieved in the workplace between diverse and non-diverse employees.
With that in mind, how can organizations boost inclusivity in the workplace?
To find out, and for more from the Deloitte report, read this article by Fey Arberk Bozoglu.
From the article for HR Grapevine:
It’s National Inclusion Week here in the UK and many businesses are celebrating the inclusivity of their employees through various manners, such as webinars, seminars, discussions and so much more. However, are these means enough to empower inclusivity within the workplace environment?
In the past few years, the notion of inclusivity in the workforce environment has gained crucial contraction with businesses across the UK shedding light on what they’re doing and what they can do to increase inclusivity within their business and across other brands as well.
On the other hand, recent research administered by Deloitte, titled ‘LGBT+ Inclusion @ Work 2022: A Global Outlook’ reveals an overall picture that shifts away from how businesses see it as adequate and that there is still a major act of exclusion put forth towards LGBT+ employees within the workforce.
As a matter of fact, 42% of employees reported that they have experienced non-inclusive behaviours at work. These results display that LGBT+ employees continue to experience non-inclusive behaviours at work, both in the office and virtually.
82% of respondents who experienced non-inclusive behaviours believe that they have experienced those behaviours more than colleagues who aren’t LGBT+.
What is a workplace? What is a workforce? Chances are, we all could have easily answered these questions a couple of years ago, but now the only sure thing is uncertainty.
Everyone is trying to figure out what the employee experience looks like when technology-driven changes to how and where people work is such a significant facet of the new normal.
Jane Wainwright, Head of Department (Biotech) and Executive Board Member and Partner at Potter Clarkson, stated with regards to the study implemented by Deloitte: “I find it saddening that almost half of those surveyed for the report experienced non-inclusive behaviours at work, and that one fifth are not open about their sexual orientation to anyone at work and a similar number of those with a gender identity different to that assigned at birth are not out at any colleagues.”
She added: “I can’t imagine the emotional and mental toll of not being able to feel safe enough to be out at work.”
Deloitte Global Chief Executive Officer, Punit Renjen also expressed: “As more organisations around the world incorporate LGBT+ inclusion into their DE&I strategies, business leaders must make sure this translates to tangible support for LGBT+ employees in the workplace.”
There is in fact an increase in awareness of LGBT+ inclusivity, but as research reveals there isn’t a unified nor conclusive solution.
How can businesses boost inclusivity in the workplace?
Although the research has discovered there is a large amount of room to improve for LGBT+ employees across businesses, the study also established an effective way to boost inclusivity within the workforce.
82% of LGBT+ employees believe allyship helps them to be out at work. Allyship is vital in helping LGBT+ employees feel able to be out in the workplace environment and provide wellbeing too.
42% of LGBT+ employees point to an ally-supported employee resource group as the most critical example of allyship helping them feel comfortable being out at work.
Patrick Achermann, Director at Credera UK, said: “At Credera UK we support our Trans colleagues through a new Trans Support and Transition at Work policy., adding: Proud to work at a place where LGBT+ allyship is supported by the board through real commitments like this.”
However, allyship isn’t the only powerful way that businesses can support inclusivity in the workplace. Including LGBT+ inclusion and not tolerating behaviours towards employees that state otherwise is also a change in the right direction.
86% of respondents indicate that having LGBT+ inclusion as an HR/talent priority has had a positive impact on their current role.
So, it’s essential to recognise that for an LGBT+ inclusive workplace environment, educating others, encouraging allyship and being vocal about inclusivity are just a few fundamental ways to push for inclusivity in businesses for employees.
Read the full article, here.
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