The 2025 Inspiring Workplaces Awards: Finalists announced: March 20
Date posted: 23rd October 2019

23rd October 2019

An update from our Managing Director

An update from our Managing Director


It’s Ruth here. As many of you may now know, I’ll be pausing my duties and passions as leader of the EEA very soon, and this will be the last post you’ll see from me for a while. In a matter of weeks, I’ll be taking on my other passion of being a mum, as my twin boys arrive and I become a mother to three boys (all tips welcome!)

You’ll still see me promoting from the sidelines as I’ll be heavily investing in this sector and involved in the development of this community. I’m very excited about what I’m coming back to and how I know we plan to evolve it whilst I’m away.

Crispin Manners (Chairman of The EEA) and Aimee O’leary (Community Manager) will be your points of contact in the meantime. I know they will keep me updated on the latest content, events and exciting developments in the planning.

There are a lot of exciting things happening in the next few months. Here are a few reminders.
We’ve unveiled an updated website and this will develop further over the next few months. If you didn’t see the recent email about our new website, there’s more below
The Employee Engagement Awards Gala dinner is on January 23rd. Put the date in your diary now. If you want more information please email [email protected]
Our flagship UK Conference in partnership with the Employee Engagement Awards  is on April  1st 2020. It’s going to be our best yet, so put it in your diary now. If you want more information, and want to secure early-bird pricing, please email [email protected]
If you’re keen to be more involved in our community – see below.

I’ll also be hosting ExChange again in May 2020 (more info on that below). And you should expect me to be back adding value to our community after the summer.

A huge thank you to our partners, friends, members, followers and many more for their dedication and support in helping the world create workplaces that people love through our global community.

Once again, I know you’re in super capable hands and I’m

really excited about the direction of this community and what
I’ll be returning too.

Wishing you all the best in creating workplaces that
people love

See you soon

~ Ruth


More than just a facelift

From a pay monthly option and student memberships, to
EEA consultants, cocreating content and much more.
Take a look at the recent developments within the community.


Save the dates!

Employee Engagement Awards Gala Dinner
23rd January 2020,  The Troxy, London 

Finalists announced: 5th November

Employee Engagement Conference
1st April 2020, The Oval Cricket Ground, London

Get Involved

Want to share a resource? Guest blog? Host an event? Co-create? Run a workshop? Or help contribute to this growing community in anyway… Let us know here. 


ExChange – The Employee Experience Event

May 7th 2020
Limited early bird tickets using code: EEAEarlybird25