28th January 2020
2020: The Year of the Employee Idea: Perry Timms – PTHR

This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘2020: The Year of the Employee Idea: Employee Ideas from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.
Perry Timms
Founder & Chief Energy Officer
Ideas are an organisation’s cheapest commodity!
Ideas (themselves) don’t actually cost anything but, of course, the application of them might do. Yet we tend to create a layer of approval, bureaucracy and process that stifles creativity and innovation and makes people feel ‘what’s the point of even raising my idea?’ This is a negative value concept we have to overcome.
Many leaders will say ‘but we have a staff suggestion scheme that is woefully undersubscribed to’. With the pain of upfront approval, is it any wonder? Evidence-based management and HR is not a reason to have to embark on long-tail research projects. It’s there to say ‘ideas into action reveals data and evidence, so do this and THEN we’ll talk about replication and the creation of value’.
Organisations are NOT experimental enough, hence the creation of negative value through the stifling of ideas. How do we overcome this? Well, I think we liberate people; and the best way to do that is to give people a frame to come up with ideas and then trust them to deliver something of value. Safe, evidence revealing experiments will only come where people’s intentions are given ‘airtime’ and they can try out something new.
Our work with Agile Squads does this and we’ve some of the most energising, breakthrough ideas come from this place of safety and alignment. If we truly value our people’s ideas, liberate them in an Agile space of invention and iteration.
Tickets are available now for our London Employee Engagement Conference on 1st April 2020 – Click here to register now
Tickets are available now for our New York Employee Engagement Conference on 11th June 2020 – Click here to register now
This content was taken from our latest eBook: ‘2020: The Year of the Employee Idea: Employee Ideas from our global Engagement 101 Influencers’. To download the eBook in full. simply click here.