20th May 2020
How do you keep employees inspired whilst working from home?

Working from home can bring a whole number of benefits to employee satisfaction, however it is important to establish clear communication lines to ensure that the people you work with stay engaged.
Neha Mathur has provided 8 tips to keep employees engaged during working from home.
From the Article:
Humans are naturally oriented toward other humans and are inherently built for social connection. Socialization plays a key role in both, individual and societal learning, development and even survival. In times like these, traditional workplaces have been substituted with virtual ones, triggering anxiety and emotional isolation for many. Working from home over a prolonged period brings its own unique challenges, whether you’re a caregiver or simply because we are all used to being around others during the work day, it is unsettling and overwhelming, to say the least.
It becomes imperative for organizations to prioritize the health and safety of its employees during these times. Not many of us have lived through a global pandemic and while physical distancing is the need of the hour, social isolation is not. Organizations must ensure employees feel connected, supported and informed during this difficult phase of remote work. Uber has been ahead of the curve on remote working and given that we are a global technology company we have been working in virtual environments from the very start. Some initiatives that we have seen to improve employee engagement during extended periods of remote work include the following.
You can read the full article online: Keeping employees engaged during the lockdown
Make sure to explore Inspiring Workplace’s other content and insights about communication.