20th April 2021
eBook: How to be agile – managing change and innovation during uncertainty

IW Workshops: Sparks of inspiration
Ideas curated from our movement
Nothing shouts ‘change and uncertainty’ more than the last 12 months.
Across the globe we have all had to adapt in ways we could never have imagined. From regional, national and international lockdowns, financial instability, career uncertainty and the rising movement to no longer stand for the status quo.
Enabling, empowering and supporting our leaders, our people and our entire organisations to not only manage change, but to adapt, innovate, continuously improve and to thrive will truly set us apart.
At the end of 2020 together with our community of Inspirers, we created a 2021 predictions book that identified four key areas of focus. So we decided to hold workshops to address these issues, begin to identify solutions and ultimately create together a pathway through them.
This bitesize document represents the start of that professional journey together to create that pathway. Within it you will see sparks of inspiration. Sparks that might help solve issues, create another idea or drive us all to explore it further.
We hope it helps you, your people and organization.