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Date posted: 29th October 2020

29th October 2020

Inspiring your people in a changing world – Connection, Communication, Collaboration

Inspiring your people in a changing world – Connection, Communication, Collaboration

Work as we know it has changed. Forever. In life, when a major change occurs, it means we must re-invent ourselves – not only to survive, but to thrive. However, surviving is the basement. Thriving is the penthouse. And that’s where I want you and your organizations to be.
Today, re-invention means that managers must pull out all the stops to ensure employees are focused, enthused and inspired, so they show up every day engaged – giving you and your customers the best version of themselves. However, we know from speaking with employees that many are struggling right now – feeling isolated and disconnected.

Turning this around is easier than you think, as employees are also sharing what they need in these turbulent times: more connection, communication, and collaboration. Here’s one idea in each area to keep employees inspired:
Increase Connection: Create a team goal that everyone is responsible for achieving together. This goal will be really powerful if it’s in support of one of your CEO’s goals. Why? Because a team goal aligned to a CEO’s goal will make people feel like they are walking together arm in arm toward the same North Star – connected to something bigger than themself.

Increase Communication: Employees feel more engaged if they think their manager cares about them. What better way for a manager to show they care than to dedicate 15 minutes of one-on-one time each week to each direct report? Make is easy for managers by creating a Question of the Week, which will be the topic of conversation.

Increase Collaboration: Assign a problem that needs to be fixed to several team members to solve. By spreading the wealth around, you will maximize results as multiple diverse perspectives always garners the best solution. And, you will fulfill the need employees have to connect and partner.

To your success.

This blog is a part of the IW Official Guide: World Mental Health Day Supporting the workplace during the pandemic & beyond. Download the full guide here.