The 2025 Inspiring Workplaces Awards: Finalists announced: March 20
Date posted: 28th November 2017

28th November 2017

5 Ways to Create a Motivational Culture

5 Ways to Create a Motivational Culture

Author: Kaitlyn Carr, The Employee Engagement Group


When it comes to motivation, it’s natural for there to be ebbs and flows. Motivation may vary depending on the circumstances the employee is facing, whether it is work related, or something in their personal life. As managers we can’t necessarily motivate employees since motivation needs to come from within the person, however, managers can help build a culture that encourages motivation.

Here are 5 ways that you can start creating a motivational culture today:

  • Ask about goals and objectives
    Understand how your employees want to grow and how they plan to achieve their goals. If you are aware of your employee’s goals and objectives you will be able to help provide a culture to support them and encourage their achievements. This is incredibly important to creating a culture of motivation.
  • Engage with your junior level staff
    Bring junior level staff to client visits (with a role) and/or include them on key project teams. The Millennials are the largest generation in the workforce, so it’s more important than ever to engage with this group of employees and show your genuine interest in their growth.
  • Keep a positive attitude!
    Energy is contagious. Don’t forget that your staff looks to you to keep them up! Being honest, yet staying positive can be a game-changer in creating a motivational culture.
  • Address problem employees
    Again, energy is contagious. If there are employees that are bringing down morale or causing issues for fellow employees, it’s imperative you address it immediately before it has a negative affect on other employees.
  • Provide employees with challenging and diverse work
    Employees may be looking for opportunities outside of their typical job description. During performance review time (or sooner!), ask them what they would really like to be working on… be prepared – it may be something entirely different from what they are doing.

Remember, you can’t motivate employees, but you can create an environment that inspires and supports their motivation. As leaders and managers, it’s important to create a motivational culture – it’s much easier to sustain motivation and engagement when it’s part of who you are as an organization!

Source: The Employee Engagement Group, image: Flickr

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